Global Fairness Initiative

Past Programs

Azerbaijan: Prosperity Coalition
Azerbaijan: Prosperity Coalition

In June 2005 GFI initiated the Azerbaijan Working Group to serve as...

Cambodia: Better Factories
Cambodia: Better Factories

With support from the World Bank Group and the US-ASEAN Business Council,...

Central American Labor Rights Project
Central American Labor Rights Project

The Central America Labor Rights Project sought to promote market-driven social responsibility...

Decent Work Agenda
Decent Work Agenda

In 2004, GFI facilitated five seminars involving key partners within civil society,...

Ghana: BISE South-South Collaboration
Ghana: BISE South-South Collaboration

The India-Ghana Women Farmers Partnership was a collaborative program that linked women...

Ghana: Building Inclusive Shea Economies
Ghana: Building Inclusive Shea Economies

The Building Inclusive Shea Economies (BISE) was designed to scale up agricultural...