Local Solutions for a Global Economy


Photo Credit: Barbara Kinney/ Clinton Global Initiative

GFI and the Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) Announce Commitment to Action at the 2014 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting

September 22, 2014
Global Fairness Initiative
+1 202-898-9022

Today at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting, Karen Tramontano, Founder of Global Fairness Initiative, and Reema Nanavaty, Self Employed Women’s Association, announced a CGI Commitment to supporting women salt workers in India through the Salt Worker’s Economic Empowerment Program (SWEEP).

SWEEP is a collaborative project of the Global Fairness Initiative and the Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) designed to improve economic opportunity and empowerment for women salt farmers through environmentally sustainable energy solutions. SWEEP is aimed to give 30,000 women salt producers of the Surendranager District tools, access, and voice to better realize profits and maximize their personal and community livelihood goals.

Photo Credit: Barbara Kinney/ Clinton Global Initiative

Learn more about the Salt Workers Economic Empowerment Program by clicking Salt Workers Economic Empowerment Program.

New Zealand: Time for a Small Country on the UN Security Council
José Ramos-Horta

Former President, East Timor, 1996 Nobel Peace Prize laureate - Member of the GFI Board of Directors Huffington Post, August 30, 2014

I believe that few people could name more than five members of the UN Security Council. The U.S., Russia and China certainly. Think hard and you would probably add in the United Kingdom and -- maybe -- France, as the countries who hold the power of "nay" or "aye" over key actions of the United Nations, including how the UN addresses conflicts arising around the world.

There are 10 other countries who are non-permanent members elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly.

This October, New Zealand, Spain and Turkey will contest two vacant seats in the UN Security Council. Two seats, three contenders.

My country Timor-Leste is actively supporting New Zealand for one of the two seats.

I have lived with and aged with the UN Security Council, since December, 1975, when I first addressed the Council at age 25, on the Indonesian occupation of my country, Timor-Leste (formerly East Timor). And while the voice of the superpowers and other developed nations such as the European members are indispensable, the council, being the only group in the UN with real teeth, is far too important to be an exclusive club of the powerful.
Read the full Oped at: Huffington Post

Read all of Dr. Ramos-Horta's HuffPost Entries Here: Ramos Horta on Huffington Post

Please consider joining Global Fairness Initiative for this year's 2014 Fairness Award to celebrate the collaboration and successful collective of grass-roots and grass-tops efforts around the world.

We have 3 INCREDIBLE honorees this year who have done much to effect marginalized communities and have a positive impact on the livelihoods of thousands - especially women!

The 2014 Fairness Award will take place on November 24, 2014 at the historic Howard Theatre in Washington, DC. Ticket sales will be available soon. In the meantime, you can purchase your ticket or view the sponsorship and advertisement opportunities at: www.fairnessaward.org.

Please see the "Save the Date" attached as a PDF for more information.

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Recycling Associations in Peru Celebrated the Recyclers' National Day

June 1, 2014 was the "National Day of Recyclers" in Peru to commemorate "The Law of the Recycler" which was inaugurated June 1, 1999. This law was the first in Peru to regulate recyclers' work with the clear intention of formalizing recyclers and promoting the efficient management of reusable solid waste. Ciudad Saludable was a leader in drafting this law as a response to Peru's municipal and waste management challenges and to promote the formalization of outcasted and undermined waste-picker and recycler workers within the country.

June 1, 2014 in Lima, 15 Recyclers Associations along with, community leaders, NGOs and local citizens, gathered to celebrate this historical day in the district of Barranco.

To read the full press release by Ciudad Saludable please see here:

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Download this file (Peru Recyclers.pdf)Peru Recyclers.pdfCelebrating the National Day of Recyclers in Peru6577 kB
GFI Board of Director, Sally Painter, receives the "Golden Laurel" Award
On April 29, 2014, GFI Board of Director and Co-Founder and COO of Blue Star Strategies, Sally Painter, received the "Golden Laurel" award on behalf of Bulgaria for her work on NATO. Along with Ms. Painter, other recipients of this high honor were Senator Richard Lugar, Vice President Biden, and Ambassador Daniel Fried.

To hear Ms. Painter's speech upon receiving Bulgaria's Golden Laurel award click HERE

Sally Painter, COO of Blue Star Strategies LLC and H.E Elena Poptodorova, Ambassador of Bulgaria, U.S.

April 29, 2014