Local Solutions for a Global Economy


President Clinton joined Jan Jones and hundreds of supporters from Harrah's and the Las Vegas Asian American community to support GFI's saltLantern Campaign.
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The Salt Workers Empowerment Program is chosen as finalist for the Ashoka, Exxon & ICRW Women, Tools & Technology challenge.
Ambassador Paula Dobriansky, former Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs joins GFI Board.
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GFI and the John H. Chafee Center Center for International Business at Bryant University join forces to bring market-based innovations to small-holder producer communities
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GFI releases report on data capacity in Guatemala as part of the first phase of a program to address Informal Sector rights and realities.
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Access this URL (http://gfipilar.blogspot.com/)http://gfipilar.blogspot.com/ 0 kB
Download this file (PILARDataCirculationReport_English.pdf)PILARDataCirculationReport_English.pdf 431 kB