Global Fairness Initiative

Local solutions Global Fairness Initiative believes in a just equitable, future for workers where fair wages, equal access to markets, and inclusive protections help ensure that communities of promise become centers of prosperity. a global economy for Responsible solutions Global Fairness Initiative promotes worker-centered growth where markets thrive on decent work, competition is built on responsibility and production sustains both livelihoods AND the climate. for a global community Equitable solutions Global Fairness Initiative promotes a more equitable, sustainable approach to attaining global equality for the world’s working poor by championing decent work, local community voice, and worker rights for all. for a shared prosperity Fair solutions for Global Fairness Initiative believes that economic growth begins with the voice of workers and social protections are the foundation of prosperity. For over 20 years, GFI has demonstrated that when workers lead, economies succeed. the future of work

Worker-centered | Worker-led

The working poor, especially women, know more than anyone the challenges they face and the solutions they need so before we act, we listen. GFI’s initiatives are worker-led because they are informed by the voice of workers, designed in collaboration with worker organizations and informal unions, and implemented by those in and from the communities we serve. By listening first GFI’s work is rooted in the realities of the poor not a “framework” or “theory of change.” For over 20 years, GFI has worked with worker-led partners have representing millions of workers to create a more just, secure future of work where rights, resilience, self-reliance and dignity are foundational so that communities of promise become centers of prosperity.

Worker Voice

Resilient Livelihoods

Policy Engagement


Working alongside our global partners, GFI advocates for grassroots voices, especially women, by engaging with governments and grasstops actors to create sustainable solutions.

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